Faces of: JITV @ The 27th Annual High Sierra Music Festival

Trials and tribulations. "Pits and Peaks". BuzzBoxes and Beers. Supporters and antagonists. Ween and Tank. Terrapins and Crossroads.

High Sierra (+ Terrapin Crossroads) proved to be a long week full of sweat, laughter, beer and even some tears (from laughter). Everyone worked hard and we survived 5 nights of camping a mere 60 feet away from the Jam Van amidst 10,000+ hippies, wooks, tots, tykes, vendors and outdoor folks. 

My favorite line of the week came courtesy of a grizzled Quincy local, chirping to the gas station attendant as I was purchasing ice that "...and by tomorrow, they'll all be gone and I'll have my cell service back!"

Here are some Fuji X-T2 pix of JITV's many fans: thanks for coming out to hang with us everyone!

#SceneReport TGIF 05.19.17

As I peddle back from yoga, I stop at an intersection's red light. A small elderly woman clutching a plastic water bottle waits to cross in front of me at the sidewalk's edge. Adjacent, a group of yellow-vested construction workers jackhammer away under a sun that is already hot at 9:36AM. Pond's "30,000 Megatons" plays in my earbuds. Sometimes I wonder if we are inching closer to a time in history where the term "megatons" might be seen in the news with increasing frequency. The crosswalk turns green and the woman shuffles out into the road, meeting a homeless man carrying his wares at the halfway point. She deftly hands the water bottle to the homeless man in one fluid motion and they exchange the subtlest of nods and smiles without breaking stride. The light turns green, the men jackhammer away, and I peddle on into a Friday that will surely be a good day.