Faces of: JITV @ The 27th Annual High Sierra Music Festival

Trials and tribulations. "Pits and Peaks". BuzzBoxes and Beers. Supporters and antagonists. Ween and Tank. Terrapins and Crossroads.

High Sierra (+ Terrapin Crossroads) proved to be a long week full of sweat, laughter, beer and even some tears (from laughter). Everyone worked hard and we survived 5 nights of camping a mere 60 feet away from the Jam Van amidst 10,000+ hippies, wooks, tots, tykes, vendors and outdoor folks. 

My favorite line of the week came courtesy of a grizzled Quincy local, chirping to the gas station attendant as I was purchasing ice that "...and by tomorrow, they'll all be gone and I'll have my cell service back!"

Here are some Fuji X-T2 pix of JITV's many fans: thanks for coming out to hang with us everyone!